You Know What about the Olympic Games (One)?
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You Know What about the Olympic Games (One)?

Views: 96     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-09-17      Origin: Site

You Know What about the Olympic Games (One)?

Under the guidance of Olympism, the Olympic Games is based on sports and the four-year Olympic celebration. It promotes the comprehensive development of human physiology, psychology and social ethics, and promotes the mutual understanding between peoples around the world. It’s an international social movement that popularizes Olympism and safeguards world peace. The Olympic Movement includes the ideology system centered on Olympism, with the International Olympic Committee, the International Federation of Individual Sports and the National Olympic Committee as the backbone of the organization system and the Olympics as the cycle of the activity system.

Introduction on the Olympic Games

On June 23, 1894, when the French educator Pierre de Coubertin, who was revered as the "father of the Olympics", and 79 representatives from 12 countries decided to establish the International Olympic Committee and create the Olympic Movement, this feat was once the object of irony. Today, a hundred years later, the Olympic Games has become a festival of universal celebrations. The Olympic Movement has also attracted the active participation of 202 countries and regions.

the Olympic Games

In 1998, the famous "Life" magazine published the most important 1000 events and figures selected by historians in the past millennium. In 1896, Coubertin's feat of restoring the Olympic Games was among them, and it was praised as one of the Millennium Events.

The Olympic Movement is a rare masterpiece of human society. It exerts its full range of functions in sports, and its influence far exceeds the scope of sports. It has produced a series of influences that cannot be ignored In the contemporary world, such as politics, economy, philosophy, culture, art and news media, etc. The Olympic Movement not only constitutes a unique sports culture landscape in modern society, but also delights people's mind and body with its unique cultural charm, and inspire people with strong humanistic spirit.

The Olympic Movement is the product of the era. The industrial revolution has greatly expanded the economic, political and cultural links among the various nations of the world. The exchanges between countries are becoming increasingly close. It is urgent to use various means of communication to strengthen mutual understanding between countries. The emergence of Olympic Movement exactly adapted to this social need and is an inevitable outcome of the development of human society to a certain stage.

the Olympic Games

The Youth Olympic Games is an international competition for young people. It is the highest level of comprehensive sports events for young people in the world. The age limit of the contestants is from 14 to 18 years old. Most of the sport events are the same as the Olympic Games. The Youth Olympic Games will be held every four years, lasting for up to 12 days.

The Olympic Games , Football World Cup and the World Formula One Championship are known as the world's three major sporting events.

Olympic Day

In January 1948, the International Olympic Committee designated the June 23rd of each year as the Olympic Day at the 42nd Plenary Session to celebrate the birth of the International Olympic Committee, in order to promote the Olympic ideal and promote the popularization movement. Since 1987, the International Olympic Committee has launched the "Olympic Day Run".

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